arizona state university

美 [ˌærɪˈzonə steɪt ˌjuːnɪˈvɜːrsəti]英 [ˌæriˈzəunə steɪt ˌjuːnɪˈvɜːsəti]
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arizona state universityarizona state university
  1. For instance , a research group here at Arizona State University recently claimed their developmental small CubeSats could cost as little as $ 3,000 to put in orbit .


  2. They turned to Arizona State University 's Human Machine Integration Laboratory .


  3. I got my degree in mechanical engineering from Arizona State university .


  4. WP Carey School of Business at Arizona State University is the highest returning school at 57 .


  5. A study conducted by Arizona State University also recently found similar results when they studied the effects of aerobic exercise on overweight women .


  6. For example , in 1989 , researchers from Arizona State University obtained blood samples from Arizona 's Havasupai tribe ,


  7. Rod Wing is a plant biologist at Arizona State University . He helped map the African rice genes .


  8. President Obama 's message to Arizona State University grads matches new research on how to live a fulfilled and happy life .


  9. Before joining IBM , he was the Research Assistant Professor in the Industrial Engineering Department of Arizona State University in the US .


  10. In1975 Larry Kusche , a librarian at Arizona State University , reached a totally different conclusion .


  11. Ehrlich used it for one of his most recent projects , Arizona State University ^ Walter Cronkite School of Journalism .


  12. Arizona State University , for instance , discovered that the college catalogue overwhelmed students with too many class choices and gave them too little guidance .


  13. Researchers from Arizona State University and Erasmus University Rotterdam found that watching ourselves eat can be a powerful trigger to consume less .


  14. Leaders can be both self-obsessed and humble , claims David Waldman , a management professor at Arizona State University .


  15. Arizona State University , typically dismissed as a party-school , actually ranks high with private sector recruiters looking for entry-level talent .


  16. Paul Davies , a physicist at Arizona State University , points out that widespread radio communications may prove a short-lived historical phenomenon on Earth .


  17. Researchers from Arizona State University 's School of Human Evolution and Social Change in the US , interviewed 101 women alongside 812 of their closest friends and relatives .


  18. Lawrence M. Krauss , a theoretical physicist at Arizona State University , walked us through four of Einstein 's notable blunders .


  19. Mark Robinson of Arizona State University , sifted through the data for telltale jumps in the ratio of ultra-violet to visible light .


  20. Students from Arizona State University won top honors last week at the Imagine Cup finals in the United States . Microsoft Corporation organizes the yearly competition .


  21. " I thought , 'That 's the place that Native Americans came from , ' " he says now from his laboratory at Arizona State University in Tempe .


  22. The business schools at University of Maryland and Arizona State University are among a handful of other American institutions that have established ties with China to offer EMBA programs .


  23. Researchers at Arizona State University have been conducting experiments to test how oxygen-enriched atmospheres affect evolution , creating giant dragonflies and tiny cockroaches in the process .


  24. A survey of 1003 people conducted this fall at Arizona State University 's W.P. Carey School of Business found consumer dissatisfaction with retailers is on the rise .


  25. Mark wolf director of center for reach in financial services , deputy director of executive MBA programme and Associate professor of banking & finance . Education : Arizona state university .


  26. That led Arizona State University geologist Mark Robinson to speculate that the mineral is important but still unknown stuff ejected from Mercury 's large core in the volcanic eruptions .


  27. For a quarter-century , geographer Ronald Dorn of Arizona State University and his students have studied how ants , termites and tree roots affect rock weathering .


  28. To test ant rationality , Stephen Pratt , a behavioral ecologist at Arizona State University in Tempe , and a colleague designed a series of possible nests for26 ant colonies .


  29. " It is an interesting and scientifically sound finding ," said Bruce Rittmann , a researcher at the Biodesign Institute in Arizona State University , who was not involved in the research .


  30. Arizona State University theoretical physicist Lawrence Krauss . Along with other researchers , university presidents , and reporters , Krauss discussed science and tech policy recently at the Penn Club in New York City .
